t. 01872 274441
6 & 7 Victoria Square, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 2RT

Home cooking is highly fashionable these days thanks to some excellent TV shows and chefs that make everything look easy. It's not just about the food, but the utensils and gadgets that have to look good, save time and achieve the results. Our cookshop boasts over 1,500 useful kitchen products to assist the busy chef in your home.
Probably offering the largest range of saucepans in the area, you'll be sure to find the perfect pan for your budget and needs.
As Truro's stockists of quality brands like Stellar, Judge, Global Knives, Kilner, Pyrex, Taylor's Eye Witness and many others, we provide a destination shop for the cook.
Out kitchen electricals make cooking a whole lot easier and more enjoyable, everything from Kitchen Aid mixers, digital bread makers to Cuisinart kettles and toasters.
Julie from our Cookshop Department says "There are many brands of chef's knives available. Whilst the grip and feel is important to each individual, it's important to know about the different qualities, especially as they can last a life time."